Wednesday, March 3, 2010

For the Record.

Okay, when you hear "gluten free" you panic. At least I did. And then you run, not walk, to the grocery store and that isle that has all the natural foods. You quickly scan everything looking for the words "gluten free." And then frustration sets in. Because the reality of it is that these foods are different and some weird and you know deep down your kids will never go for this. But what you forget is that many, many foods are already gluten free without those words being written on the package. It's a matter of knowing what these are, reading tons of labels and sifting through the jargon. Here are my most recent finds (many thanks to my friend Andrea):

-plain corn chips
-tortilla chips
-Corn chex
-Hebrew National Hot Dogs (many hot dogs have gluten)
-Ruffles plain potato chips
-All fruit in the fresh fruit section!
-canned fruit in light syrup
-Fresh and frozen veggies (no sauces)
-organic hard cheeses and some soft cheeses (mostly organic)
-Zone Perfect Bars (choc. peanut butter)
-chicken (and most/all organic meats)
-potatoes (but not all french fries)

I am still learning, but this is a start.

Today was a better day and I'm thankful for that.

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